
Non-Lethal Self-Defense Products

Your safety is our business! Shop for the best in Stun Guns, Pepper Sprays and more for peace of mind.

The world is a beautiful place! You and your family have hopes, dreams, and plans for a bright future. But, let’s face it: the world can be a dangerous place. That’s where Stop Thugs Now can help! 

Non-lethal self-defense products are incredibly important for boosting personal safety. These handy tools help you protect yourself without causing any serious harm. Whether you’re heading home late at night or exploring new places, having something like pepper spray or a personal alarm can give you peace of mind and keep potential threats at bay.

Let us help you and your family make that bright future a lot safer.

Shopping with confidence at Stop Thugs Now is a breeze! Imagine stepping into a world where your safety is our top priority. As a leading non-lethal self-defense company, we offer an impressive array of products designed to keep you secure. From powerful pepper sprays to sleek personal alarms and handy self-defense keychains, we’ve got you covered. Our knowledgeable team is always ready to help you find exactly what you need. At Stop Thugs Now, we believe everyone deserves peace of mind, and we’re committed to providing top-notch, user-friendly products that empower you to protect yourself and your loved ones. Dive into our collection today and take charge of your safety!

Here at Stop Thugs Now, we strongly believe that merely putting up a website and waiting for sales just isn’t good enough. You are not merely a sale. This is serious business and the purchases you make directly impact you. To that end, we support you before, during, and after the sale. Remember, we live in the same precarious world as you! You can rest assured that you can always reach out to us for advice, for issues with your order, and anything else you might need.

You can also visit us at our live events. We want to meet you; you are pat of our family. Yep, it’s an old-fashioned business at its heart! Join the family and let’s make the world safer!